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食咗 Eaten; 飯 Rice, meal; 未 Yet = Have you eaten yet?
How are you doing?
Pronunciation: tup tup hum; 佮佮 Fit, exact; 㪠 Fit, same size
Snug Fit
From the lyrics of "Monica"(1984) by Leslie Cheung, lyrics by Peter Lai; 誰 Who; 能 Can; 代替 Replace; 你 You; 地位 Status/role = Who can replace you? This phrase is placed near the "I support Cantonese" line on the signal box to emphasise the importance of Cantonese.
Who can replace you?
逗 Ask for; 利是 Red Packet, a small red envelope with cash (mostly bill) in it; the Literal meaning is"good sign, blessing". During the Chinese New Year, parents and elders will give red packets as a form of blessings. The youngsters have to "ask for" the red packet by wishing the elders health and prosperity.
Asking for Red Packet
街坊 Neighbourhood, also means neighbour; 撐 Support; 華 Chinese; 埠 Port
The community supports Chinatown. @ChinatownT2G
Means "Hey" when you are starting a conversation, and as an intonation to indicate a suggestion when placed at the end when paired with "La".(do we ever place "wai at the end?" It also could be an impolite people to address a person
細Small; 埃 Dust, angstrom (Å)
Small scale; insignificant
十 Ten; 足 Complete = 10 out of 10
Absolutely, 100 %
我 Me; 撐 Support; 廣東話 Cantonese
I support Cantonese (language)
側側膊 唔多覺
側 Tilt, turn; 膊 Shoulder; 唔 No; 多 More; 覺 Feeling = Turh away the shoulder, pretend you do not notice it
Muddle through
出 Leave; Pool refers to "the Pool of single people"
Starting a new relationship (from being single)
Transliteration of "Lift"